
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

You asked for more blogging, so this post is about you!!!

I follow alot of mom blogs and love to see what other moms are doing and get great ideas from them.  Well I love this blog. And I am copying her post cause it fits with my sister and I!  Except I am changing a few things!

My Sister, My Best Friend!

Although I don't like to cling to my past,
sometimes I need to be reminded of where I came from.
My family roots.
Who I am.
No body can bring me back to where I came from like my sister.

You see growing up, 
my sister and I were polar OPPOSITES.
We were 3 years apart and had very different personalities.
She was the talked back,
I did as I was told.
She was messy.
I was the neat freak.
She was good at sports 
I wasn't
She had boobs
I didn't.

In fact, for a good majority of growing up,
My sister pretended not to like me  (you were just pretending right? lol)
We had different bodies, different likes, and I always wanted to hang out with her and her friends (which was annoying, I'm sure).  

As we got older,
the fights would shift from stealing TOYS to stealing CLOTHES.
{Except I needed boobs to fit in them }

It wasn't until she graduated high school that our relationship changed for the better.
We began to understand each other.
We became best friends!.

My sister became my safety net in the chaotic world I was leading.
She knew me as I always was and EVERYTHING about me. 
She NEVER judged.

Now that I have a family of my own,
our sister time is far and few between.
Most of our phone conversations involve one of our children screaming in the background.
My sister understands that,
and loves me anyway.
She has taught me so many things about being a mom, friend and wife!  

I look up to her so much!  She has been through so much and pulled through with more grace, integrity and dignity than anyone I know.  We have been through more sorrow than most and she has showed me how to pick yourself up off the ground when you've been kicked  slammed down HARD!!! And with a smile.  Even if she was faking it til she was making it.

I thank God for my sister.
I'm not sure I could go at this life without her. 
She knows my heart NOW and she knew it THEN.
We can laugh at family jokes,
Laugh over our Daddy's jokes,
Give advice to our momma,
vent to,
bounce ideas off of.

She is the keeper of my identity,
and my best friend.
and THAT is pretty awesome!

I could go on and on, but you get the idea!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Preschool Raffle and Singing Program

I volunteered to be co-chair for the Basket Raffle at Gianna's Preschool. My friend Michelle and I co-chaired together and put a lot of work into this event.  We worked for months getting donations, which were awesome!!!  Many of our friends donated items and services from their businesses.  We had a wine wrapping night at Michelle's house and wrapped all the baskets.  They all looked amazing!!  The raffle was on Thursday and Friday.  Wouldn't you know it on Wednesday Gianna got the flu....only my luck.   With help from friends and family, we were still able to pull off the great event and Gianna was better on Friday to come to the raffle/singing program.  Our little preschool raised just over $4500! ($1000 more than last year)  I was so impressed we raised so much, we only have about 100 kids at our preschool.  I am so proud to be part of such an amazing preschool program and feel so fortunate to have met so many great moms here!  I took a few pictures of some of the baskets we raffled off.  (Lighting of pictures is terrible.  I was in a hurry)

After the raffle, the kids came in to sing.  Gianna was so funny!  She barely sang.  I guess she is a bit like me when it comes to speaking(or singing) in front of a large crowd.  

Gianna singing "Popcorn Popping on the Apricot tree"

Riding in Style

Gianna has been asking to ride in "Daddy's little Car" since he brought it home.  We aren't sure if he is keeping it, but for now Marco's new ride is a Porsche.  I'm not sure who likes it more; Marco or Gianna...
Going for a little ride around the neighborhood

In the Garden...

We finally did it!  We planted our own vegetable garden. Gianna woke up so excited to plant.  She asked Marco "is it planting day yet?  

 Marco made the raised beds, He, Gianna and I planted a ridiculous amount of fruits, veggies and herbs.  

Easter Photos with Vikki Dinh

All I can say is...Vikki Dinh is amazing!  Always capturing the beauty in my girls that I see everyday.  
Gianna Easter 2011 (3 years)
Kennedy Easter 2011 (7 1/2months)

Kennedy tried to eat all the props

April Fun!

Easter Egg Hunt with All the "Fenelli's"
Cousin Amy invited us all up to her house "the Gated Community"  
Gated meaning everything is child proof and gated off, which is perfect!  Gianna had a blast playing with all the kids and hunting for eggs.  I'm pretty sure she ate all the candy in the eggs right there in one sitting!!!
 All the kids getting ready to get eggs

 Auntie Monica and Kennedy
 My Girls!

 Drew and Gianna (2 1/2 weeks apart)
 Gianna in her new silly glasses.  
 Gianna and Anna

I personally think this is the best picture of me!  haha!

Kennedy chewing her Giraffe "Sophie"  She loves that thing!

Gianna and Kennedy

The Frickin Fenelli's have been frickin busy!

So we have had a crazy busy past 2 months.  This post is probably going to be long and have a bunch of random things to cover the past 2 months.

The month started out with a playdate with Gianna's preschool friends.  

We had a lunch set up, a bouncy and a beautiful day.  Right in the middle Gianna went in her room and layed down...not a good sign.  Needless to say, she was getting sick.  Then Marco gets sick.  So I start cleaning like a crazy person, well ok, crazier than normal.  Lysoling everything, mopping like crazy, using antibacterial every time I touch something that the sickies have touched.  I decided it would be best for Marco and Gianna to sleep in our bed and for me to couch hop.  This is what I found in the morning.

Precious right....both with fevers and feeling terrible!

Then I found this....

Not so precious.  I left a sick Marco in charge of a sick Gianna and she decided it would be fun to draw on my sheets.  I asked her why she did this and her response was "I needed to draw people"  Ok its kinda precious, but we can't tell her that.  And yes, it did wash off!

Kennedy turns 7 months old!

Kennedy recieved her shots.  She barely even cried.  Shes a champ!  She was weighing in at 16 lbs 11.5 oz and 26 inches.  She is in the 75% for weight and 50% for height.  

She is so happy, loves to be around people and is moving around like crazy!

Nail Salon

Gianna loves having her toes and nails painted.  She has a little kid nail polish set and has mastered painting her own nails.  She will paint anyones nails that will allow it.  This includes, Daddy, Uncle Boo and Grandpa.  At least she will have career options!  
Gianna painting Uncle Boo's nails!  What a great Uncle!!!!

We have also been going to dance class every week.   Gianna loves her teacher Miss Amanda and has made some great friends too.  Her dance for the recital is to "Be Our Guest" from Beauty and the Beast.  I can't wait to see if she actually will do it on stage....

Athena, Gianna and Stella leaving dance class

Just some cute March Photos of the girls
 My Girls!!!

 Kennedy 7 months!

Loving her bouncy
Sleeping Baby!  I love her little hands!

Dinner time!!!  

Just Hanging around...playing with Uncle Boo!