
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

One of the MANY reasons I LOVE San Diego

This month we've already been to the zoo twice.  Many of the perks of living in San Diego.  Season passes to our amazing SD zoo!  Grandma Roxy went with me and the girls and boy did we get a show!  It was Kennedy's first trip to the zoo.  We spent most our time watching the Monkeys, Orangutan, and Gorillas.  Gianna loved it!  It was feeding time and the little monkey stole the big monkeys food.  They proceeded to "fight" over the food.  Gianna said "their Mommy need to put them in a time out"  Then we went to the Orangutans and one pooped right in the front of the glass and then ran away.  Needless to say, we had a lot to talk about from this trip to the zoo!  And my little monkeys were well behaved!!!

Then we went on President's Day with Gianna's preschool friends.  The zoo was a zoo!  I think everyone had the same idea that day to go to the zoo.  The kids had a blast!  We played on the playground, saw some animals and had lunch.  Their favorite thing was the feet massaging chairs!  It was so cute to watch them look at the map and plan where to go next!

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