
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Watching You Grow

Being your mom has so many exciting and awesome perks!  You have both grown so much!

Kennedy, in such a short time you have changed so much! You are eating fruits and vegetables and love your formula! Just this month I packed up your infant bath, removed your crib bumper and put more clothes away that you've outgrown!    I can't help but be a little sad!  You are probably my last and you have grown so much!  I smoother you with kisses and would love you to stay little forever....I remind myself that growning is what your supposed to do!  You my dear, are addicting!!

I love...
your giggles
how you snort cry when your wanting to eat
that you are sleeping 10-12 hours straight at night
the way you rapidly smack your right hand on things (high chair)
your happy never ending smile 
your toleration for your obsessive family, especially Gianna
that you think Gianna saying "boo" is hilarious
your tickle spots under your arm,  neck and on your thighs
your leg rolls
how you get so excited and kick your legs when you see your bottle
that you get so excited whenever Gianna talks to you
your comb over hair do
But mostly, I love that you are my daughter!!!

Gianna, you too have grown so much so fast!  You have turned into a little girl so fast, no more baby!  You are so independant and want to do everything yourself!  In a few short months you have grown so much and accomplished big milestones!!  You are a preschooler, totally potty trained, and just a joy to be around!  Your a little person!!!  

I love...
your sweet smile 
your sweet kisses
the funny things you say
that you ALWAYS know EXACTLY how/what you want 
your independant personality
the way you make Kennedy laugh
that you call Kennedy "sparkle eyes and Ken-Ken"
your love for milk
that you love ALL things girly and pink
that you are a Daddy's girl
that you also love bugs, fishing, and animals
how you love to cuddle in the morning
the sound of you creeping in our my room at 4am
your kind and gentle way with Kennedy
your creative and artist mind
that you know the brands of all your shoes
your big round brown eyes that just sparkle
But mostly, I just love that you are my daughter!!! 

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