
Monday, April 18, 2011

April Fun!

Easter Egg Hunt with All the "Fenelli's"
Cousin Amy invited us all up to her house "the Gated Community"  
Gated meaning everything is child proof and gated off, which is perfect!  Gianna had a blast playing with all the kids and hunting for eggs.  I'm pretty sure she ate all the candy in the eggs right there in one sitting!!!
 All the kids getting ready to get eggs

 Auntie Monica and Kennedy
 My Girls!

 Drew and Gianna (2 1/2 weeks apart)
 Gianna in her new silly glasses.  
 Gianna and Anna

I personally think this is the best picture of me!  haha!

Kennedy chewing her Giraffe "Sophie"  She loves that thing!

Gianna and Kennedy

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