
Monday, April 18, 2011

Preschool Raffle and Singing Program

I volunteered to be co-chair for the Basket Raffle at Gianna's Preschool. My friend Michelle and I co-chaired together and put a lot of work into this event.  We worked for months getting donations, which were awesome!!!  Many of our friends donated items and services from their businesses.  We had a wine wrapping night at Michelle's house and wrapped all the baskets.  They all looked amazing!!  The raffle was on Thursday and Friday.  Wouldn't you know it on Wednesday Gianna got the flu....only my luck.   With help from friends and family, we were still able to pull off the great event and Gianna was better on Friday to come to the raffle/singing program.  Our little preschool raised just over $4500! ($1000 more than last year)  I was so impressed we raised so much, we only have about 100 kids at our preschool.  I am so proud to be part of such an amazing preschool program and feel so fortunate to have met so many great moms here!  I took a few pictures of some of the baskets we raffled off.  (Lighting of pictures is terrible.  I was in a hurry)

After the raffle, the kids came in to sing.  Gianna was so funny!  She barely sang.  I guess she is a bit like me when it comes to speaking(or singing) in front of a large crowd.  

Gianna singing "Popcorn Popping on the Apricot tree"

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