
Monday, April 18, 2011

The Frickin Fenelli's have been frickin busy!

So we have had a crazy busy past 2 months.  This post is probably going to be long and have a bunch of random things to cover the past 2 months.

The month started out with a playdate with Gianna's preschool friends.  

We had a lunch set up, a bouncy and a beautiful day.  Right in the middle Gianna went in her room and layed down...not a good sign.  Needless to say, she was getting sick.  Then Marco gets sick.  So I start cleaning like a crazy person, well ok, crazier than normal.  Lysoling everything, mopping like crazy, using antibacterial every time I touch something that the sickies have touched.  I decided it would be best for Marco and Gianna to sleep in our bed and for me to couch hop.  This is what I found in the morning.

Precious right....both with fevers and feeling terrible!

Then I found this....

Not so precious.  I left a sick Marco in charge of a sick Gianna and she decided it would be fun to draw on my sheets.  I asked her why she did this and her response was "I needed to draw people"  Ok its kinda precious, but we can't tell her that.  And yes, it did wash off!

Kennedy turns 7 months old!

Kennedy recieved her shots.  She barely even cried.  Shes a champ!  She was weighing in at 16 lbs 11.5 oz and 26 inches.  She is in the 75% for weight and 50% for height.  

She is so happy, loves to be around people and is moving around like crazy!

Nail Salon

Gianna loves having her toes and nails painted.  She has a little kid nail polish set and has mastered painting her own nails.  She will paint anyones nails that will allow it.  This includes, Daddy, Uncle Boo and Grandpa.  At least she will have career options!  
Gianna painting Uncle Boo's nails!  What a great Uncle!!!!

We have also been going to dance class every week.   Gianna loves her teacher Miss Amanda and has made some great friends too.  Her dance for the recital is to "Be Our Guest" from Beauty and the Beast.  I can't wait to see if she actually will do it on stage....

Athena, Gianna and Stella leaving dance class

Just some cute March Photos of the girls
 My Girls!!!

 Kennedy 7 months!

Loving her bouncy
Sleeping Baby!  I love her little hands!

Dinner time!!!  

Just Hanging around...playing with Uncle Boo!

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